In an effort to keep everyone informed without forgetting anyone and without spending hours making phone calls we thought we would start blogging "Richards Journey."
For those of you who may not know the details I will start from the beginning....
On Monday, October 24th- Richard was working, driving from one inspection location to another. Sometime between 2 and 3 pm he was heading up Hwy 59 South through Nacogdoches heading to his next job in Magnolia. Half a mile south of the weigh station in Nacogdoches the wreck occured. Witnesses said the truck veered into the median, fish tailed and flipped multiple times, landing on the Northbound lanes of the highway. Paramedics had to pull him out through the back window of his truck since the majority of the truck was so damaged. He was then rushed to Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital and the family was contacted with the horrible news.
The wonderful team at the hospital quickly intubated him, started fluids, and gave him blood. After a CT scan revealed that he had bleeding in his brain, multiple fractures of his face, fractured left hand, two fractures in his neck (c2 and c4), a deep laceration on his forehead, and his right ear was partially detached... he was rushed into surgery where they evaccuated some of the blood from his brain. They also removed a portion of his skull to releive pressure and allow room for swelling, preformed a maxillofacial surgery to repair the fractures in his face, repaired the laceration of his forehead and ear, and dressed the fractured hand. While in surgery the anesthesiologist came out to update Richards wife, Molly and mother, Sidney who had been anxiously awaiting some news. She informed them that it did not look good because he had sever head trauma and had possibly had no blood circulation to his brain for an extended amout of time. If he recovered he may not be the same. The heartbreak began. Sidney notified Richard's children, siblings, and father of his status and asked for the family to come be with him in this trying time. After surgery was succesfully completed Richard was wheeled into what would become his new home for a questionable length of time. ICU, room #9 is where his recovery begins.
After reaching his room they inserted an IVC filter to prevent emboli from moving to his brain. Once the doctors were able to stabelize Richard, his wife and mother were brought back to see him for the first time. They received the shock of the severity of his injuries. Richard was in critical condition and was a coma and nonresponsive. If he survived, his healing would be a very long journey.
** Meanwhile, back home in Houston Richard's family comforted one another as they passed along the news and prepared for their travel to Nacogdoches. Richard's brother, David and sister, Lisa bravely stepped up for his children, Stacey, Ashley, Megan, and Jonathan. Everyone was ready to go except for the missing link... Grandpa/ Richard the Elder/Richard's father. Grandpa was attending a United Nations Day celebration dinner and did not have his cell phone on him. Thankfully his smart, beautiful, talented granddaughter, Megan listened to him (for once... just kidding Megan!!) and knew the name of the place he was at. We found the number and were able to notify the security guard of our family emergency. He asked Megan to describe her grandfather for him which she responded "He's a short, white haired, fat old man... probably like everyone else in that room. Just ask around for Richard (the Elder)Someone will know him." Thankfully for us the security guard was pretty smart and had a good sense of humor and was able to track him down and send him home to us. The group loaded down the cars and went to be with Richard for what could have possibly been his last hours. That was the longest, darkest ride any of them have ever endoured. Finally arriving safely in Nacogdoches the tears began to flow as we came together in the waiting room outside of the ICU. We were all very scared of what news might soon follow. Two at a time we were permitted to visit Richard. Seeing him for the first time was heart wrenching as he looked so helpless and so much in pain. We continued to rotate visitation throughout the night into the early morning, resting every two hours when visitation was restricted. We made it through the first night and checked into a hotel as we planned to extend our stay.
No progress overnight with Richard.
Richard's father contacted the insurance company early this morning to notify them of the accident. They requested that we remove any personal belongings from the vehicle so that it could be release to them. After their first visitation of the morning was over Richard Sr, the two younger daughters Ashley and Megan, David, and best friend Brian headed to the USA RV storage and body shop in Nacogdoches where the totalled truck sat. The wrecker driver pulled the tarp away uncovering the horrifying sight of Richard's truck. Airbags undeployed. All windows shattered. Roof completely caved in. All of his belongings thrown throught the cab and bed of the truck. Megan bravely climbed in the cab while Ashley climbed in the bed of the vehicle. They began to search for any important belongings. The girls picked through the trash, rubble, tools, blood covered clothing, his shattered windshield, etc to retrieve anything of importance or value to Richard. Some of the most important things recovered were Richard's wedding and Army rings, (both of which the girls now wear around their necks). His belongings were loaded up and the papers were signed releasing the vehicle to the insurance company. The staff was so encouraging and caring as we completed such a difficult task.

In the ICU his earth angels/nurses are carefully watching over him and tending to his every need. We are all so blessed and thankful to have such wonderful people taking care of him.
Richard's injuries have not progressed much since his surguries although his bruises, swelling and lacerations are begining to heal very well. On Wednesday October 26 he began to show movement, or posturing in his extrimities. The movement happens more often with the touch of his loved ones but also sometimes on his own. We are all pleased with this although it is not necessarily a sign of progression. His nurses keep a close eye on his IV fluids and medication to ensure that his heart rate, blood pressure, and temperture stay as close to normal as possible. Today the doctors placed a PEG (feeding tube) and preformed a bronchoscopy to clean out his lungs. They discovered a bleeding stomach ulcer which they are now treating with a protonic drip. Once healed they will begin feeding Richard through the PEG tube. Anyone who knows Richard, knows how much he loves his food. He will be happy!
This is as much news as we know today. Please continue to follow our blog for updates as he heals. Also--- We would like to personally thank every single person family, friends, and strangers who have given your full support through prayer and condolences. If not for all of you we may not be able to stand so strong beside Richard in this difficult time. God has a plan, we just have to wait for it to be revealed. Please do not stop praying for Richard and for our family until he is home and fully recovered. WE NEED OUR MIRACLE. Much love and thanks...