Sorry for the delay in updates as life was very busy for us all over the holidays. Here is a day by day summary of how far Richard's progress has come.
Thursday December 15 Richard was transferred to TIRR Memorial Hermann, Rehabilitation Center.
Friday December 16 Richard was evaluated by PT, OT, and speech therapists at TIRR to gain a better understanding of his condition and what actions were needed to be taken in order to get him functioning at our goal of 100%.
Saturday December 17 Richard did really great in physical therapy (PT). He sat up and transferred from his wheel chair to an elevated mat with assistance. However, when he got back to his room had some respiratory problems and had to be transferred to Memorial Hermann ER where he was diagnosed with Aspiration Pneumonia and admitted to MICU for antibiotics and breathing treatments.
Thursday December 22 After a few days of treatment Richard was successfully transferred back to TIRR rehabilitation center to continue his recovery.
Saturday December 24 Merry Chirstmas Eve! The whole family went to TIRR today to visit with Richard. A few of us stopped at Starbuck's on the way to TIRR and brought our coffee into his room. Richard kept moving his mouth as if trying to tell us something but we couldn't quite make it out. We eventually asked him to write down what he was trying to tell us... Turns out all he wanted was a little coffee ;) He is definitely aware of his surroundings and not missing a beat!

Sunday December 25 Merry Christmas! We all visited at different times during Christmas Day so as not to exhaust Richard. Richard opened his presents but the greatest gift he received was a visit from Brody! This would be the first time Richard has seen Brody since before the accident on October 24th. What excitement and joy in Richard's eyes and Brody's too.

Monday December 26 Richard got a hair cut and shave today. It was a group effort by all his favorite ladies. Also, big step today... his PT had him stand several times for a short period each time.
Tuesday December 27 Brody went to see Grandpa again today. Great Grandma and Brody played kick ball while Grandpa was doing his leg exercises. Great Fun for both of these guys!
Wednesday December 28 Lucky for Richard, he had lots of visitors today. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful team of supporters. He feels the love and is so happy to see everyone!
Thursday December 29 Today Richard had a swallowing test. He is still unable to tolerate even thickened liquids but can tolerate liquids such as water. However he was putting in some BIG orders for for Wendy's: Single hamburger w/cheese, small chilli w/cheese, hamburger and small frosty. So needy haha! He spent some time sitting up in wheelchair out in the hallway, interacting with the staff. Later Richard went to OT where they adjusted the headrest of his wheelchair and changed the left arm rest to better support his left arm which is still very weak. The OT made a splint for the left hand to keep it stable.
Friday December 30 Richard's youngest daughter Megan, and "pretend daughter" Catlin and his mother went to PT with Richard. They had him walk with assistance supporting his left leg and his head. One small step for man, one GIANT leap for Richard :) What a great day!
Saturday December 31 With all his practice and hard work, Richard can nearly transfer from wheelchair to bed by himself. He is needing minimal assistance!
Sunday January 1, 2012 HAPPY NEW YEAR! What better to begin the new year than a day spent with family. Richard sat up in the wheelchair and took a trip outside to meet all of us. We all enjoyed the Sunshine for a while but it was hard on Richard's eyes. Looks like we will need to get some sun glasses soon. He spent the rest of his afternoon watching part of a movie on his new DVD player that Santa brought him.
Richard would love to see any and all of his supporters. He is in room# 608 at TIRR Memorial Hermann in the Medical Center. Visiting hours are from 9am-9pm.
We hope all is well with you and your families going into this new year and are all still so very grateful to have you in our lives. MAY GOD BLESS YOU!