Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Good Day
Today Richard is very responsive. He is answering yes and no questions by tapping his right foot. He gave us a thumbs up a few times, and is able to focus on objects in his room as well as people. Still baby steps but headed in the right direction.
Friday, November 25, 2011
If you are interested in entering a team in the basketball tournament benefit on December 10th please contact me, Ashley and I will e-mail you the registration form. We will then make an appointment for you to turn in your team's entry fee and form. This should be completed and turned in by Wednesday, December 7th.
Contact: Ashley McGinty
E-mail: a_mcginty927@hotmail.com
Phone: 713-876-6051
Contact: Ashley McGinty
E-mail: a_mcginty927@hotmail.com
Phone: 713-876-6051
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday, November 21
Richard is doing well today. The doctors are happy with how good he is doing so he has been moved to a private room in the intermediate care unit. Room 221. He has gained about 17 pounds since last week! He is up to 128 lbs now! His tube feeding is really doing him good.The nurse noticed a little infection around the medi port that was inserted two weeks ago. The doctor doesn't like the idea of keeping it in since it is not healing normally. They will be removing that soon and inserting a pick line instead.
He seems to be more alert every day. Opening, closing, blinking both eyes now (still favoring the right eye though). He has been spending some time everyday in his neuro chair to allow him to sit up.He seems content, and happy. Molly has been teasing him with jellybeans... His favorite thing in the world. Trying anything to get him to wake up... Haha
Visitors are welcome any day! He has been pretty popular since he has been back in Houston. There are lots of people who love him <3
He seems to be more alert every day. Opening, closing, blinking both eyes now (still favoring the right eye though). He has been spending some time everyday in his neuro chair to allow him to sit up.He seems content, and happy. Molly has been teasing him with jellybeans... His favorite thing in the world. Trying anything to get him to wake up... Haha
Visitors are welcome any day! He has been pretty popular since he has been back in Houston. There are lots of people who love him <3
Benefit Flyer
Please share this event information with your friends. We welcome everyone to come out and support Richard!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
A Perfect Example...
Wanted to share this with all of you as an example of the wonderful people we have encountered through all of this. Sidney, Richard's mother got a call today from Carnival Cruise lines asking if she was interested in a discounted cruise in the near future. She politey declined and breifly explained her situation with Richard's incedent. Shortly after she received this e-mail from the Carnival Customer Service team...
Such a small gesture from a COMPLETE stranger. He did not have to take the time to send this message, but he did, and it means the world to all of us.
God is Good, and so are his people.
Please tune into 90.1 FM at 6pm tonight.
Jay Dooling will be on air with updates for Irish Aires listeners and friends about Richard's condition and progress. He will also be playing some of Richard's favorite irish tunes dedicated to him, our family and our amazing supporters ♥
Hello friends! This is Richard's middle daughter, Ashley. We are organizing a benefit for my father's recovery with the help of some wonderful friends and would like to invite you all to enjoy the day with us and help support our family in these trying times.
On Saturday, December 10th beginning at 9AM we will be hosting a Basketball Tournament to raise money and awareness of Richard McGinty's recovery progress. This benefit will be held at South Main Baptist Church at ** 4300 E Sam Houston Pkwy S Pasadena, TX 77505** southmain.org I am so appreciative and thankful to say that a friend and staff member at South Main Baptist has generously agreed to open their doors to us and help organize this basketball tournament. (Special THANKS to Kevin Richard!) Anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to form a team and sign up for this event! The tournament will be teams of 5 on 5. Entry fee is $100 per team, no matter how many members are on the team. We would like to get up to 16 teams signed up to make this fun for everyone involved! The 1st place team will receive Academy Gift Cards! If you are interested in signing up please contact me as soon as possible by email at a_mcginty927@hotmail.com We would like to have everyone signed up by December 3rd.
>> Also, Richard's incredible friends and brothers of The Knights of Columbus council 803 will be selling BBQ plates in the parking lot of the church at the basketball benefit on December 10th. So come hungry!
Along with the basketball tournament we are collecting any donations and gift baskets for a silent auction. Baskets will be on display at Its About Hair salon where Richard's daughter, Stacey works.
**11530 Space Center Boulevard, Houston, TX 77059** (281) 487-3637
The silent auction will begin Monday, November 21st and go until the day of the basketball benefit, December 10th where we will finish the silent auction at the church. If you are interested in donating a basket or bidding on a basket feel free to contact me again at, a_mcginty927@hotmail.com If you are donating items you can drop them off at the salon at the above address or contact me and I will arrange a time to pick them up from you.
I just want to reiterate how grateful we all are. It is an absolute shock to see and receive such powerful support from friends and strangers alike. It is completely heart warming to know how many people have read our story and are keeping up with my father's progress. We are forever in debt to you all for your time, thoughts, prayers, and actions. We could not have been blessed with more wonderful people in our lives. It has really made this whole process easier to cope with.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17
Hello friends! Richard is officially settled in at Kindred Hospital in the Houston Medical Center. For those of you who would like to visit him, he is in ICU room 5. All of his new doctors have been to see and assess him. He is doing well, but we have no updates to share at this time..
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Tuesday, November 15
Sorry for the delay but we have not had much to update on Richard's recovery. The past few days have been pretty slow for him. For those of you who have not heard, Richard has been accepted into Kindred Hospital (Medical Center) in Houston! Paper work has been done by both hospitals and we are just waiting for a bed to open up for him. He will either be in their ICU, Intensive Care Unit or their IMU, Intermediate Care Unit. He is still "resting" but continues to heal.
Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
Matthew 21:22
Matthew 21:22
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wednesday, November 9
We have only good things to report today! Richard's surgery went very well yesterday. He went into surgery at 4:45pm and they finished up around 7:15. They successfully replaced the bone flap. For some reason they weren't able to do the medi port at that time so they rescheduled that for this afternoon. They have already completed that and it well! Also, it turns out his ear wasn't actually detached like they thought. There was just a good sized cut on it. He is definitely a trooper- still hanging in there and not giving up anytime soon!
We are strong, because he is strong.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Tuesday, November 8
It's a big day for Brody and his Pawpaw. Richard will go in for surgery at 3pm today. The doctors plan to replace the bone flap (the piece of his skull that was removed on Monday, October 24), reattach the top part of his right ear and insert a medi port. "A medi port is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical needle stick." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_(medical)
Prayers appreciated for a successful procedure! Will update post-surgery.

Monday, November 7, 2011
Monday, November 7
No new updates on Richard. He had a slow weekend. Had lots of visitors and opened his right eye quite a bit. Surgery still tentatively scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday November 8. Prayers appreciated for a successful surgery. He is fortunate to have amazing doctors. We know he is in good hands!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
All, a co-worker and friend of Lisa McGinty (Richard's sister) is in need of your prayers as well.
Mr. Smith's 14 month old son Camilo Smith was at nursery school this week and had a hard fall. He suffered from a stroke and is in critical condition. Please add Camilo and his family to your prayers today!
Thursday, November 3
The neurologist is giving him a good prognosis at this point. But still, anything can happen. Richard is breathing on his OWN! They have attached a trach collar to his tracheotomy today. The trach collar is just a tube connected to O2 flow. He will no longer have a vent just O2 going to his tracheotomy. Great news for us all! Also, yesterday they took his stitches out from the forehead laceration and where they repaired the facial bones. Richard is beginning to look more and more like himself every day.
Next Tuesday the doctor plans to replace his bone flap that they removed last Monday to allow room for the brain swelling. They also plan to reattach his his right ear. He may have to be put back on the ventilator after surgery, but usually that is used as a precaution.
I know the prayers are pouring in and they are definitely working. I am positive that we will get that miracle we have been waiting for. One day at a time...
Gulf Coast Tool and Rental
Please visit and "LIKE" the
Gulf Coast Tool and Rental
Facebook page
This is an incredible company who is doing something amazing!! They campaign to raise money for families who are in need. They will match all $10 donations they receive. Richard will be their next campaign. Please Like their page and be on the look out for Richard's story! Donate if you can.
We really appreciate all the help and support we are receiving.
We will be forever in debt to you all.
We really appreciate all the help and support we are receiving.
We will be forever in debt to you all.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday, November 1
Some great news today!! The Doctor did another CT scan and a small portion of the left frontal lobe is all that seems to be damaged. They say that he should be able to function with that. However, the eye movement that I noted a few days ago may not be such a good thing afterall. They are going to do an EEG to check and see if he is having seizures. The Doctor thinks that is what the eye movement may actually be caused by. Will keep you all posted as we recieve more updates...
The LORD sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.
-Psalm 41:3
The LORD sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.
-Psalm 41:3
Monday, October 31
Happy Halloween Ghouls and Boo's!
Richard had a good day today. The Doctor's performed a Tracheotomy so he no longer has to be on the ventilator. Molly says he looks so much better now, more like himself. They also removed the JP drain. This was draining the blood and fluid in and around his brain. The fluids have all gone down and Richard no longer needs the drain. Doctor's also found that Richard grimaces when they stick him for the ABG's which means he feels the pain. He still isn't reacting normally to the pain, but he does feel it! Keep the Prayers coming!
Richard had a good day today. The Doctor's performed a Tracheotomy so he no longer has to be on the ventilator. Molly says he looks so much better now, more like himself. They also removed the JP drain. This was draining the blood and fluid in and around his brain. The fluids have all gone down and Richard no longer needs the drain. Doctor's also found that Richard grimaces when they stick him for the ABG's which means he feels the pain. He still isn't reacting normally to the pain, but he does feel it! Keep the Prayers coming!
Sunday, October 30
Today was a rough day for Richard. They had to give him blood and potassium today as his hemoglobin and potassium levels were low. His fever was back up to 101 degrees so they put him back on the cooling blanket to bring his fever down. He did not have as much movement as he had in the past days. No progression today. The waiting continues...
Richard's parents, wife, siblings, and two younger daughters went to mass today at The Sacred Heart in Nacogdoches. Monsignor Young is the priest at this church and is also the priest who has often been visiting with Richard and praying with him. The service was very moving.
By the time they got back to the hospital Richard had lots of visitors awaiting him.
His oldest daughter, Stacey and his grandson and Aunt Sandra came back up to visit with him, best and long time friends Robbie and Keely Standley, and close family friends Judy and Gary Daniels. We all enjoyed our time with them as much as Richard enjoyed their company, I'm sure.
Do not abandon me, Lord. My God, do not go away from me! Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior.
-Psalm 38:22-23
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